Trial for Spinal Stimulator APPROVED!!

I got some pretty great news late last week. The trial for my spinal stimulator had finally been approved.  We 1st asked for it about 2 1/2 years ago in which they said no. Truthfully I wasn't ready back then however am now.
My reasons for changing my mind are due to a few things. I've  done a lot of research, 5 years of research as this was when it was 1st brought to my attention. I've spoken to people, posted questions in pain groups, reached out to people and searched online. I even have acquaintance whom when I posted about the device, I found out they collected research for this device and it's been very successful. 
Returning to dance has been my main reason for wanting the stimulator. My passion is back in my life and it's great. I have become a part of a dance school I believe in and love.
I'm grateful to work for someone who has hired me knowing I have chronic pain. Nadia has allowed me to teach within my limitations. I have definitely tested those boundaries and which has meant extra recovery time and late nights awake in pain watching bad tv. 
Teaching dance will never be what it was however I'm just grateful it has returned to my life. Leaving the studio is an oxy moron as I'm happy as Larry after a great night of lessons however at times barely walk out and am clenching my teeth due to extreme pain levels.
My plan is to walk into this trial with no expectations, I can't sit here and say I wouldn't be devastated if it doesn't work.
Pain has been my day to day life for the last 8 years, 1 month and 10 days. It's harder then anything I've ever imagined. 
I know that even with the stimulator,  if it works that I'll still be limited. This means I'll be able to do what I am now however with less pain and off most of my meds.
The device will hopefully block majority of the pain however the issue will still be there. Therefore if I do too much my pain levels will still rise. I was actually quite shocked when the surgeon mentioned I wouldn't be able to push myself harder if the device works. I'll take less pain with same work load any day.
My trial will take place late November. After my dancers ballet exams and after our dance recital. Grateful I can wait until then to test drive the spinal stimulator.  Best part is if the trial works, surgery should happen no more than 2 weeks after the trial was implanted. No time to stress.
I'll have my date in September.

Until then I'll focus on what makes me happy. Teaching dance, eating gelato, listen to metal, watch the rugby and hang with my spiffy husband and friends.


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