We need better campaigns when educating others about chronic pain

When someone says disability what jumps to your mind? You may picture someone in a wheelchair, motorised cart, overweight , older?  Who knows however I imagine it could be along this line.
Many adds we see these days use these types of people , so I don't blame people for jumping to these conclusions.

I strongly feel a newer campaign needs to be started. I'd love to be the face of pain. Why.....well I'm youngish and whilst just glancing at me you can't always see my disability. Society needs a much more effective advertisement of  people living with invisible diseases. It can be impossible to know when looking at people, when they're young, in good shape and smiling.

I've been in pain for so long now it's just become a part of my life. It definitely doesn't make things easy however I'm not going to walk around disheveled, in torn clothes, shoeless with a dark cloud over my head shouting "I'm in pain......ohhhhhhhh I'm in pain everyone"  I didn't know what else to visualise so that was the best I could come up with.......

My husband and I have been confronted twice by people yelling at us when parked in a disability spot. One person even yelled disgusting at me. I know it's impossible to tell when looking at me however you'll know by watching me walk and it's rude to assume that we would park deliberately in a handicapped park.
I don't even look at people now when parking in a disability spot  as it really hurts when people just stare through me, giving me dirty looks whilst talking. Seriously people.....you have no clue.

I want to help people. I want to help aware the public that you don't have to look sick to have an illness. I put make up on and dress nicer these days due to wanting to feel better about myself. On the inside I've changed. I'm not as happy as I once was. Anyone in pain all the time would know exactly how I feel. I eat fairly healthy, do my hydro, walking and light weights to maintain a healthy weight.
I do what I can to feel best I can on the outside.

Please let's push to get better campaigns out there. I guess it's the government who needs to start putting faces with stories out there on billboards. They're the ones with the deep pockets.

I'll put my hand up first as my story is one of determination, struggle and hope. I never want to lose my hope. This is what drives me.



  1. Hi fellow spoonie! I need your help. Im a spoonie myself but i live with a different condition- idiopathic hypersomnia. I am in my final year of OT and am currently doing clinical placement at a persistent pain clinic. I am looking for insight to what spoonies living with chronic pain have and your understanding of chronic pain. Thanks!

    1. Hello, I actually don't use the spoon method. I probably should however I guess myself I'm constantly trying to push my limits. I do listen to my body however trying to build my stamina.
      How can I help you out? Where would you like me to email you with a proper response.


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