Chronic Pain and My Struggles Finding Employment

It's been a long time since I've blogged however myself currently being unemployed I have a lot on my mind. 

I apologise for this not being an uplifting blog.

I had a job I truly loved teaching piano at an independent school. I was let go due to to financial reasons at the school. Now I'm on the quest to find a job which suits my chronic pain.
I've had to turn down 3 jobs due to the hours being too long, too many days in a row, travel time to long. This has of course triggered my depression however this time I have the tools to help me through this period.

My life in Canada was pretty amazing. I was fortunate to make a career in teaching/choreographing dance. I did really well.  Work was easy for me to obtain. 
I was asked to head a dance program  in a high school however I turned it down to come to Australia. I also remember taking a call, at the airport in Los Angeles, on my way to Melbourne, to be the main adjudicator at the biggest Ukrainian dance competition out West. That was hard as it was a job I had always wanted to do and was finally given that opportunity however turned down that position as I was on my way here.

I had a dream to come to Melbourne and accomplished that. I obtained my DipEd and eventually planned on teaching dance in schools here.
Only a few years after working as a classroom teacher, here in Australia, my injury took place which changed everything.  I had to rethink my career and job options. 

Fast forward to today, 6 1/2 years after my injury took place, and I have gaps on my resume. I live rural( no regrets moving this far out) and live with chronic pain. All which limit my employment pool. I've gone from feeling like someone important to no one. 

A couple years ago I started playing piano again. I was trained by an outstanding teacher and obtained my Gr 9 piano at 17. It's amazing that even after a 23 break that I can still play up to a Gr. 8 Royal Conservatory level. This past year I've thrown myself into practicing much more and studying much more heavily into theory. 

Piano is something I've become passionate about again and would love to teach part time however I've only started teaching piano for the past 7 months. Not very employable on a resume. 


I know I'm an excellent teacher. I believe I bring the best out in my students. I was born to teach. Thank goodness my parents brought me to the best piano teacher and dance studio's. 

Back to my employment quest........

Most employers  just see my gaps. I can't even tell you how many jobs I've applied for since the funding ran out of my last school. I've only taught piano for such a short period. In fact everything I have accomplished in Australia, since my injury took place, has been very limited. I've not been a school teacher for long, nor a teachers assistant for an extended period of time. I had 1 admin job for 3 years.

                 I've been looking for work everyday, it's become an obsession.

I feel defeated, I feel broken.....I hate my chronic pain for employment sake. People will say they'd kill for time off like myself. I get where that's coming from however it's not a holiday for me. I'd kill to not have chronic pain anymore, and have an endless supply of job opportunities like it used to be for me. Chronic pain is no holiday.

My struggles finding employment with chronic pain have been hard. Huge pill for me to swallow as I did very well pre injury. In Canada I had no problems finding jobs. They often came to me.

Good news though for 2017

I'm fortunate that an incredibly talented friend of mine has offered me 2 nights to teach piano at her school next year. I'm grateful that she believes in me and that she's providing me with this opportunity. This past year I've filled in as a piano teacher at her school, therefore she knows what I'm capable of.  
I don't have any student's yet, however that will change and the night's will fill up eventually. Those 2 nights won't be enough work as there is no guarantee as to how many students I'll have however it's a start.  May only be a couple hours work to start out.

In the meantime I really need and want a job, as it's taken a toll on my confidence. My piano role, next year, may only be 30 minutes to start and will most likely be a maximum of 6 hours, which isn't enough. I'm fortunate to be able work up to 20 hours with my chronic pain.

I will find something. I'm a firm believer that things happen for a reason. The right job is out there. I'm determined to make the most of life with my chronic pain however am struggling whilst being unemployed.

Until then I have one furry little student who loves to hear me play.


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