I just want to poop! Chronic pain + medication = chronic constipation and depression

I just want to poop! Chronic pain + medication = chronic constipation and depression

Pooping, normally a subject mothers will have with other mothers about their baby’s or for those of us who have pets may often talk about how gross it is to pick up our animals poop. However I have a problem.  Who am I supposed to talk to without feeling embarrassed?  Even talking to my closest friends about what my next blog was, was hard for me to share. I’m 42 this year and my life seems to revolve around bowel movements or lack thereof. There isn’t a lot of information on the web for us adults to turn to for help. What helps most people does barely anything for me so I’ve really had to change my lifestyle. I hope what I’ve learned helps you.

Now don’t go thinking I talk about my pooping ritual to everyone, however my poor husband has to listen to me complain daily.  The second person who knows all about my lack of bowel movements is my GP. Do you know what it’s like to constantly be talking about your poop??!! It’s embarrassing, depressing, humiliating and something I’d rather not talk about ,however I have chronic pain and I take meds which cause major constipation and I’m absolutely desperate  to just have regular , good old fashioned daily bowel movements like my pre medication days.

I’ve tried pretty much everything, castor oil, olive oil mixed with salt, warm water and lemon, detox teas, cleansing teas, laxatives, Senna tablets, Senna teas, glycerol suppositories, lax sachets and enema’s. The last time I had the enemas the first one did nothing….nothing! My husband tells me. ‘Look at it as little men inside, digging away, they’ve got a big job’ Well if you put it into that perspective that’s a lot of work. Should ask them if they need a drink!

Recently what I’ve found working best for me is lax sachets and MG Lax. Lax sachets you can purchase in any chemist. They include  Potassium chloride, Sodium chloride, Sodium Bicarbonate and Macrogol. I buy the MG Lax online from an online store in New Zealand. The capsules are filled with magnesium, fennel and aloe vera. The only problem with using these items is who knows when movement will hit. Hence why I don't always stick to what I should to help. Who wants to constantly be stressing about what may happen. Constantly hoping you're going to be close to a washroom/toilet. Not wanting to go anywhere, where a washroom/ toilet isn't.  It's an added stress I don't need!!
I still  don't have daily bowel movements however using the above items however I do get relief. Do you know I've gained up to 2 kilos/ 4.4 pounds when I don't have BM's.....bowel movements, not big macks. It makes me feel horrible. I know this as I'm a chronic scale user. 

I eat pretty healthy with snacks on the weekend. I’ve really limited my refined sugar intake trying best I can, to just have natural sugars when I do such as honey or maple syrup. I drink enough water to float away to a nearby island. I even tried cutting out coffee….COFFEE….was I mad! Desperate I was!! These days I’m trying to drink mainly organic teas and coffee just 2-3 times a week.
As my Dr said I’m doing everything I can. I’ve got a pretty good routine and I seriously need to be a lot gentler on myself.  I guess I’m trying to be stronger then I am cause when you’re life is revolving on poop well hey you feel pretty crap…no pun intended. The constant feeling of being constipation is horrible! Often triggers my depression.

I went from a woman who pooped daily to not much movement. To sum everything up and make it clear here is what I do to try to have bowel movements.

  1.  I've begun eating less meat. Not saying you need to do this however I’ve recently noticed I’m having more bowel movements buy eating manly vegetarian. Apparently I’m called a flexitarian. Gosh they have names for everything these days.  Haven’t done it long enough to know if it’s going to make a real difference but I’m trying it all.
  2. I leave having unhealthy treats for the weekend. I try to keep it to 2 unhealthy snacks and 1-2 unhealthy meals a week. I don’t believe in dieting however when you have chronic pain and you aren’t able to exercise a lot then you need to have restraint. We cook majority of our food from scratch as a lot of canned food or prepared meals will have hidden nasties in there like sugar which won’t help you poop.
  3. I need help in having bowel movements. I take 1 MG Lax tablet in the morning. I also take 3 
  4. Movical sachets a day. I’ve not yet tried slippery elm however I will try capsules when they arrive in the mail.  It’s so important to keep this routine up, well for me it is otherwise I start having problems. I also have to take 2 suppositories a week. Hoping to stop taking these when I start the slippery elm.
  5. Exercise. Do what you can. I like walking after I eat to help digest my food. I have a Fitbit in which I’ve set my limit of what I should be walking. I also try to get to the hydro pool 2x a week for 30-40 minute sessions as well as light weights and Pilates 2 x a week. I don’t always achieve my exercise as it depends on my pain levels
  6.   Cut back refined sugars and coffee as these can dry you out causing problems with bowel movements. When I do fail by attacking a bag of m&m’s with rice bubbles man do I pay for that
  7.  I’ve not had luck yet however hopefully when we get to the minimal amount of medication I absolutely have to be on I’ll start having more bowel movements.
  8. Drink as much water as you can. I drink heaps and often make my husband listen to the water in my belly gurgle around. I find it quite hilarious J
Lastly sorry to all my family and friends as the last thing you want to know all about are my bowel movements. Lucky you ;) I understand if you run if the other direction the next time we catch up.

I hope this helps you and if you have any tips let me know!

Keep surviving



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