Medication elimination.....the up's and downs and all the in betweens. Days 1-3

For the last month I've been feeling as though I have my depression under control and that I’ve finally reached the point where I don’t need to be on my antidepressants anymore.
My depression is not gone and I still see a psychologist who is all I feel I need now. She’s amazing and provides with the most beneficial cognitive therapy.

Being the research queen I am I’ve researched and researched the withdrawal symptoms, of Cymbalta, which are pretty scary and intense. You have to remember when researching to be realistic and most importantly to not gather all of your information from the internet. My chronic pain specialist has provided me with a plan to eventually get me off of this med. It'll take about 5-6 months. He also went through a list of withdrawal symptoms that I may go through.

Through my research I discovered that my possible symptoms would include:
·         Brain zaps - electric shock-like sensations in head
·         Body zaps - electronic shock-like sensations in body (not in head)
·         Extreme mood swings
·         Agitation and/or irritability
·         Aggression
·         Nightmares and/or sleep disturbance
·         Confusion
·         Diarrhea
·         Vertigo
·         Dizziness and/or light-headedness
·         Headache and/or migraines
·         Nausea and/or vomiting
·         Excessive sweating
·         Memory and concentration difficulties
·         Suicidal thoughts (ideation)
·         Suicide attempts
·         Self-mutilation
·         Hallucination and/or sensory disturbances
·         Tremors
·         Seizures
·         Fatigue
·         Lethargy
·         Flu-like symptoms

I’ve experienced fatigue, nausea, minor periodic headaches, excessive sweating during the night, flu like symptoms and memory lapses. Had one brain zap and man that was weird!! It sounded like a bug zapper had gone off in my head.The worst part though has been the nightmares. My first night I had dreams that I was being chased. When my husband asked me to turn on my side, which I’ve asked him to do if I happen to lay on my back in the middle of the night, as it flares, I asked him ‘Who are you?’Night 2- I saw people running around with big guns shooting at others. I also remember being in my house, in the front foyer looking out the windows at a group of monsters who were outside, trying to get in. I remember shouting aggressively at them to go away. My husband woke me up and stated I was screaming L I asked him out of 10 how loud was I and he responded with a 7. My throat was actually sore too.

I then thought to myself……okay what can I do to make this better. I like to make my road travelled in difficult situations as less bumpy as possible. I’ve found some hypnotherapy sessions online that I’m hoping will help. They’re lucid dreaming ones.

I forgot to mention earlier that through my research I discovered that the following vitamins can help make a difference in your withdrawal process.I’m taking the following·         
Fish oil capsules-which help with mood swings.Vitamin B-  eases Stress, anxiety , depression, and aids you memory·         
Magnesium- this helps with your sleep cycle, migraines

I’m not going to say how much I’m on of each only because every person is different. 

Speak with your Dr.Don’t let the information you find on the internet scare you. If you think about Cymbalta and what it actually does I’m not surprised with that the withdrawal process is so difficult. It provides you with serotonin.  It seems logical that the withdrawal process would be hard. Whatever you do don’t go cold turkey. It’s important that the weening off program is done slowly, that you have a good Dr to ensure you taper off the drug safely, who supports you and that you’re prepared- meaning you know what may happen. Try not to be scared. I’m surprised that I’ve not freaked myself out however I’ve prepared myself and I know all is going to be alright. I’ve let my husband and close friends be aware of what’s going on.

I want to end on a funny note. My husband and I were about to leave for Sydney therefore I asked my chronic pain specialist when I should start the weening process.  Before my trip as I had time off before I started work or when I return. He turned to me and said for your husband’s sake……please start after your trip. Smart man :) Our trip rocked by the way.


  1. Good luck to you!! xoxoxo (& Lololololololololololol at the end!)

  2. Thank you beautiful. Love your support. Xoxoxoxox


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