We need better campaigns when educating others about chronic pain
When someone says disability what jumps to your mind? You may picture someone in a wheelchair, motorised cart, overweight , older? Who knows however I imagine it could be along this line. Many adds we see these days use these types of people , so I don't blame people for jumping to these conclusions. I strongly feel a newer campaign needs to be started. I'd love to be the face of pain. Why.....well I'm youngish and whilst just glancing at me you can't always see my disability. Society needs a much more effective advertisement of people living with invisible diseases. It can be impossible to know when looking at people, when they're young, in good shape and smiling. I've been in pain for so long now it's just become a part of my life. It definitely doesn't make things easy however I'm not going to walk around disheveled, in torn clothes, shoeless with a dark cloud over my head shouting "I'm in pain......ohhhhhhhh I'm in pain everyo...