Chronic Pain and My Struggles Finding Employment

It's been a long time since I've blogged however myself currently being unemployed I have a lot on my mind. I apologise for this not being an uplifting blog. I had a job I truly loved teaching piano at an independent school. I was let go due to to financial reasons at the school. Now I'm on the quest to find a job which suits my chronic pain. I've had to turn down 3 jobs due to the hours being too long, too many days in a row, travel time to long. This has of course triggered my depression however this time I have the tools to help me through this period. My life in Canada was pretty amazing. I was fortunate to make a career in teaching/choreographing dance. I did really well. Work was easy for me to obtain. I was asked to head a dance program in a high school however I turned it down to come to Australia. I also remember taking a call, at the airport in Los Angeles, on my way to Melbourne, to be the main adjudicator at the biggest Ukrainian dance compet...