Chronic Pain is a Part of Me

It's been 10 months since my last blog. Guess I didn't have much to say and I was busy having a home built. We decided to move out to the country. Been one of the best decisions we've ever made for us and my chronic pain. We didn't think we'd move further out until we were much older however life changes and we're here to make the most of everything. Life is definitely slower here and it's fabulous. I walk around the corner and there's cattle, sheeps and horses. Short walk down the other street and I'm on the main street listening to a band or eating out. Mentally it's been so much better here for me. I'm so much more relaxed. For those who don't have a chronic illness and aren't on a ton of medications maybe skip this next sentence. I'm finally pooping! That's how relaxed I am. I poop without slippery elm or movical etc. Those in my shoes will understand how joyous of an occasion this is! My pain levels havn't...